Thursday, March 8, 2007

BSG's Move to Sunday: How has it affected you?

My Friday nights are a little emptier now. I used to look forward to finishing a week of work, coming home to prepare dinner, and watching the Friday night lineup on Sci-Fi. It was the one night in the week when my wife and I would watch live tv instead of TiVo'd sweetness because we had a lineup of shows that we both liked and commercials that we didn't mind.

With SG:1 and SG: Atlantis on seasonal hiatus and BSG moved to Sundays, our Friday nights are not filled with tv bliss. We never watch BSG live on Sunday because we're both busy getting ready for the next week of work. Oddly, we usually watch BSG on the following Saturday morning when we're totally free to enjoy it. To stop to watch it live on Sunday would be too disruptive.

I can only think that Sci-Fi's decision to move BSG to Sunday is part of a plan to reach a demographic that doesn't include 30-something's who work and have families.

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