Thursday, March 8, 2007

Jane Espenson joins BSG full-time for Season 4

Here is an interview SyFy recently conducted with the great Jane Espenson (image) and the just-as-great Anne Cofell Saunders (they wrote "Dirty Hands" together), with Jane sharing the fact that she has joined BSG full-time.

There is a spoiler warning for those who haven't watched "Maelstrom" yet.
Having the threat of a bad guy showing up any minute can be a welcome distraction to life's problems. But when those threats are removed, even for a short time, it doesn't take long to remember that there are some aspects of life that really suck.

The absence of the Cylons from the mid-part of "Battlestar Galactica's" Season 3 did just that, allowing writers such as Jane Espenson and Anne Cofell Saunders to explore some of the internal issues churning among the people in the ragtag fleet. Class disenfrachisement was the topic of the day with the pair's most recent episode, "Dirty Hands," which featured Chief Tyrol (Aaron Douglas) trying to fight for the little guy.

"I wasn't in on the planning of Season 3 or the [episodes] preceding it for that matter, so I can't really comment on the timing of it other than to say that things like class struggles are typically set aside in the face of outside threats (like Cylons), so it makes perfect sense to me that something like that would lie dormant until a period of relative peace," Espenson recently told SyFy Portal's Michael Hinman. "When the outside threat goes away, everyone remembers that all those old resentments are still around."

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