Saturday, March 24, 2007

TSW interviews Leah "Racetrack" Cairns

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Gilles Nuytens: What was the best gig or funny experience during the shooting of Galactica?

Leah Cairns: You know that's a hard one. There's so many funny moments shooting that show. Any time we have Mary, Eddie, Hogan, Callis together! Any time you get those four people in one scene it's always hilarity! Specifically ... I think I talked about one of them before. In this season ... okay, this is a bit of a long story. I'll try to keep it short. One of the funniest things shooting a specific scene happened when we were shooting a scene where Pegasus meets Galactica. A scene with Michelle Forbes in it when Forbes and Adama see each other in the hanger deck. Eddie wandered off set in the middle of shooting. He thought we were on a little break, and he wandered off, and Michael Rymer, the director didn't notice and called action! It was a close up on Michelle Forbes and Rymer had no idea that Eddie wasn't there. And Michelle Forbes being the professional that she is.... when the camera is rolling you do your business..... so she started the scene! But there was no one to respond to her! So James Callis nonchalantly comes over and steps into Eddie's place and puts on the best Adama voice you'd ever heard! Better than Eddie can do! (laughs) And they did the entire scene with Michelle and James Callis as Adama, and Michelle almost pulled it off, except Mary got the giggles and started laughing and then all the background started laughing and Michael Rymer, who STILL doesn't know that Eddie left, comes out and starts yelling at everybody because we were all laughing during the take! And then he looks around and says ....where the hell is Eddie and realizes that the whole scene was bogus!
Read the rest of the interview over at TSW.

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