Monday, September 10, 2007

Jamie Bamber dislike the SciFi channel

Jamie BamberIn a recent interview from the Daily Dragon Jamie Bamber from Battlestar Galactica says that he strongly dislike that the show is on SciFi.

DD: The downside of science fiction is that it's often categorized as a "marginal" genre. Battlestar Galactica is by far one of the best, if not the best show on television and yet doesn't have the ratings of a more mainstream series like The Sopranos. Do you find it frustrating that some people might not watch the show simply because of the label "science fiction"?

JB: Yes, of course I do. I really believe in the show. I believe in the stories we're telling. I believe that they're great characters, and it's great entertainment, too. So yeah, it's frustrating that we do have that stigma attached to us. The fact that we can call it a genre says it all, really; it's not just people, as a drama, as a series; it has to be characters. I think that's a problem that science fiction has that it will always marginalize itself by calling itself SF. It's unfortunate that we're on the SCIFI channel; we can't even get away from it. We couldn't brand the show as anything else because of the network we're on.

I also think that we're a grown-up show that demands something from the audience. And audiences, by and large, don't want to be demanded anything of. They want escapist entertainment, and that's why movies like Syriana don't do as well as movies like Spiderman 3.

That's the truth. If you're going to make grown-up shows that challenge people, then only a few people are actually going to be appalled.

Sad but true.


  1. If you're going to try to pass yourself off as an authority you might try spell checking your blog entries before posting them....
    Typo's in headlines are exceptionally pathetic.

  2. It's a spelling mistake, big deal. If you're going to be rude, don't do so anonymously. Coward.

    And by the way, if you're going to knock someone's spelling, at least get your grammar right. It's not typo's. It's typos. Not knowing when to use the apostrope is... pathetic.

  3. well it's his opinion...let's just try respect everybody's opinion

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