Friday, March 30, 2007

More C&C Tiberium Wars

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usTricia Helfer and Grace Park from Battlestar Galactica are some of the actors you will see in the brand new C&C Tiberium Wars.

Tim from has made a comic where the main characters of the game is presented:
Here are some pictures of the actors as their characters in-game, as well as what other stuff I know them from. You can decide for yourself if I did any semblance of a decent job capturing them, if you're not already familiar with the actors. I gave Billy Dee Williams his old Lando hairdo and swashbucklin' cape, just for kicks.
You can also watch a two promo videos about the game and the characters over at You will find Grace Park in the GDI Characters Trailer and Tricia Helfer in the NOD Characters Trailer. Enjoy!

Related Post: C&C Tiberium Wars

West 32nd Movie Trailer

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You can now watch a trailer of West 32nd where Grace Park from Battlestar Galactica is starring. The movie is made by Michael Kang and has world premiere at Tribeca Film Festival (April 25 - May 6).

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Starbuck WILL be back for season four!

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usStarbuck fans don't need to worry anymore. Starbuck (Katie Sackhoff) will be back in season 4. Ron Moore has confirmed that in this interview from TV Week.
TVWeek: After "killing" one of the most popular characters on the show, Starbuck, she reappears in the last scene in the March 25 finale. Does that mean she'll be back for season four?
Mr. Moore: Yes, definitely.

Read the whole interview over at

C&C Tiberium Wars

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The brand new C&C Tiberium Wars has been released today! So what does this game do on a Battlestar Galactica blog? Well, Tricia Helfer and Grace Park from Battlestar Galactica are some of the actors you will see in the game.

Battlestar Galactica Season 3.5: Crossroads, Part 2 (Season Finale)

Season 3 Finale

Tigh, Anders, Tyrol and President Roslin's assistant Tory Foster are all now hearing — or hallucinating — a strange song aboard the Galactica.

Roslin, meanwhile, is recovering in the ship's infirmary after her first major cancer treatment. There, she experiences another vision of the opera house through which she, Athena and Six pursue the toddler Hera.

Waking with a start, Roslin is shocked to discover that Six, Athena and Hera have shared the identical vision. Like those hearing music, none of these women can find an answer for their perplexing experience.

At Baltar's trial, the defense is teetering on the edge of defeat. To save his client, Romo Lampkin moves for a mistrial because Lee Adama has heard his father — a judge — make biased statements against Baltar in private.

Lee reluctantly takes the witness chair. Instead of admitting his father's prejudice, however, he makes a compelling speech on behalf of his client, arguing that President Roslin has forgiven countless misdeeds since the fleet's long journey began, and Baltar should be treated no differently.

Lampkin rests his case after this eloquent statement, and soon, the judges determine by a vote of three to two that Baltar cannot be considered guilty. The courtroom erupts into chaos. The last duty that Lee and Lampkin perform for their client is to whisk him away from the mob to safety. After that, Baltar is a free man — but he's also on his own in a hostile fleet.

Roslin is disgusted with the verdict, and her relationship with Adama is shaken when she learns that he voted to release Baltar. They must set aside their conflict, however, when the fleet finally arrives at the Ionian Nebula.

As the Galactica scans this waystation on the route to Earth, the entire fleet abruptly loses power. In the darkness and confusion that follow, Tigh, Tyrol, Tory and Anders are nearly overcome by the insistent song, and they each follow it to an obscure workout room on the Galactica. When they lock eyes with each other, they guess the obvious but horrifying explanation for the mental summons that they've obeyed: they must all be Cylons.

Season 3 Finale

At that moment, a massive Cylon armada bursts onto the scene. Lee Adama joins his old Viper crew and flies out in defense of the Galactica. In the light of the mysterious nebula, to his shock, Kara Thrace appears in a Viper next to him. Seemingly back from the dead, she has come bearing a message of cosmic importance….


directed by MICHAEL RYMER

guest star MARK SHEPPARD as Romo Lampkin

Now please discuss this episode of Battlestar Galactica!

Battlestar Galactica: The Low Down

Here is a serie interviews and promos for the Battlestar Galactica Mini-Series and Season 1. You can also find this video on your Mini-Series DVD if you bought it in USA.

Battlestar Galactica: The Low Down

Holy Frak!

What an episode! What a season!
Battlestar Galactica is truly one of the best shows on TV.

Now to the next question: When will Battlestar Galactica season 3 be released on DVD? And will you buy it (I sure will!)?

I feel kind of sad that I have to wait until next year until season 4 will be aired. And is it just me or has the website collapsed?

Saturday, March 24, 2007

Interview with Grace Park on

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usAnother interview with the lovely Grace Park from Battlestar Galactica (and another opportunity for me to post more lovely images of Grace Park).
Last night the SciFi Channel had their upfront presentation here in New York City. The big announcement of the evening was that the network was picking up Battlestar Galactica, one of the best shows to ever run on television, for a full fourth season, after only initially agreeing to 13 episodes. As part of that announcement, Grace Park, who plays Sharon Agathon, a Cylon living and working among the humans – out in the open – as a pilot (callsign Athena), was on hand. The upfront is really just a big party, and the way it works for people like me is that you hover around the talent like a creepy guy at a singles bar until you can get one of the SciFi Channel publicists to introduce you, and then you get a couple of minutes to talk.

I managed to get six minutes with the very gorgeous in real life Park near one of the two bars at the place. I don’t know how she was doing, but I was a couple of beers and cocktails into my night. However many she did or didn’t have, she was funny and quick on her feet, and she told me her opinion about the impending end of Battlestar that may be in line with how some fans of the show feel…
Read the whole interview over at Interview with Ron Moore

Really interesting interview on with Ron Moore. He addresses many interesting issues. Like, he is considering pulling the plug on BSG after this season.
How hard do you try to link what's going on in "Battlestar Galactica" to real-world politics? Or do you find yourselves trying to resist that impulse?

It's part of the brief. The premise of the show lends itself to those topics so naturally. It's about an apocalyptic attack, a group of survivors on the run and they're dealing with issues that are inherently about freedom and security. There's the civilian and the military, and lots of issues it seems very natural for them to grapple with that mirror events in the real world. We talk about it at length in the writers' room and with the cast and directors, trying to figure out where the lines are for us. We never want to go into direct allegory for today's events because there's nothing really interesting about that.

TSW interviews Leah "Racetrack" Cairns

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Gilles Nuytens: What was the best gig or funny experience during the shooting of Galactica?

Leah Cairns: You know that's a hard one. There's so many funny moments shooting that show. Any time we have Mary, Eddie, Hogan, Callis together! Any time you get those four people in one scene it's always hilarity! Specifically ... I think I talked about one of them before. In this season ... okay, this is a bit of a long story. I'll try to keep it short. One of the funniest things shooting a specific scene happened when we were shooting a scene where Pegasus meets Galactica. A scene with Michelle Forbes in it when Forbes and Adama see each other in the hanger deck. Eddie wandered off set in the middle of shooting. He thought we were on a little break, and he wandered off, and Michael Rymer, the director didn't notice and called action! It was a close up on Michelle Forbes and Rymer had no idea that Eddie wasn't there. And Michelle Forbes being the professional that she is.... when the camera is rolling you do your business..... so she started the scene! But there was no one to respond to her! So James Callis nonchalantly comes over and steps into Eddie's place and puts on the best Adama voice you'd ever heard! Better than Eddie can do! (laughs) And they did the entire scene with Michelle and James Callis as Adama, and Michelle almost pulled it off, except Mary got the giggles and started laughing and then all the background started laughing and Michael Rymer, who STILL doesn't know that Eddie left, comes out and starts yelling at everybody because we were all laughing during the take! And then he looks around and says ....where the hell is Eddie and realizes that the whole scene was bogus!
Read the rest of the interview over at TSW.

New Blog Design!

Holy Frak! In time for the season 3 finale we have gotten a brand new template for our really interesting blog (ok, we can atleast be allowed to fool ourself?)! The gods must be happy with our work so far.

If you see any bugs or anything that doesn't seem right please tell us!

Video Previews of Battlestar Galactica Season 3 Crossroads, Part 2

Battlestar Galactica promo of the season finale aired on SciFi after Crossroads, Part 1.

Another promo for Crossroads Pt. 2.

Friday, March 23, 2007

Who's a Cylon?

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usWho are the final Cylons? Here comes more suggestions and ideas:
One of the greatest mysteries of modern television is who the frak is actually a Cylon on Battlestar Galactica. At this point, anybody could be a Cylon. Sure, some characters scream "Cylon" more than others, but the show is so good at blowing our minds that anything is possible. Here is our look at each character on the show and how they could or could not be a Cylon. We've also included our odds on whether that character is a Cylon or not. Season Four can't come soon enough!
Via Avram.

Battlestar Finale Spoilers Leaked

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usWell thats what the title says on this little interview from SciFi with Grace Park (Boomer, Sharon...). But there really is not any BIG spoilers in it, so you don't have to worry:

Grace Park, who plays Sharon "Boomer" Valerii on SCI FI Channel's original series Battlestar Galactica, told SCI FI Wire that the show's upcoming third-season finale, "Crossroads, Part 2," will provide closure to some story threads while setting the stage for new intrigue in season four. The finale airs on March 25 at 10 p.m. ET/PT. SCI FI Channel recently announced that Battlestar Galactica would return for a fourth season, and on March 21 the network revealed it had increased its episode order to 22 from 13, including a special two-hour extended episode.

"We are going to see the resolution of the trial of Baltar [James Callis] and how Apollo [Jamie Bamber] really is taking the helm of the court case," Park said in an interview at SCI FI's upfront press event in New York on March 21. "But, importantly, there is a bit of a Pandora's box being opened, and what that will ... unleash, I have no idea. I don't know if it's going to be bad or good, but something's going to break through."

The season finale will air even as Battlestar Galactica fans are still buzzing about the recent demise of Starbuck (Katee Sackhoff) in the episode "Maelstrom." Even Park was taken by surprise by the shocking turn of events. "Starbuck is gone," Park said. "[Sackhoff's] name is not on the credits. Nothing. She's gone." The actress smiled and laughed at the suggestion that in science fiction no one is necessarily dead forever. "Mm, yes, I guess she could be a Cylon and come back," Park said. "But, you know, everyone's tried that angle before."


Thursday, March 22, 2007

Battlestar Galactica Season 3.5: Crossroads, Part 1

Spoiler of Battlestar Galactica Season 3.5: Crossroads, Part 1 --------------------------------------

As the fleet Jumps toward the Ionian Nebula, a mysterious landmark on the way to Earth, a strange mood settles over its citizens. Roslin dreams vivid dreams, Tigh and Anders inexplicably struggle to hear a static-laced song on the radio, and a few lost souls turn to Gaius Baltar with a devotion that borders on religious worship.

Amidst all this, Baltar's trial for treason begins. William Adama sits on the judges' tribunal, while his son, Lee, assists attorney Romo Lampkin on Baltar's defense team.

Then Racetrack returns from a scouting mission with the chilling news that a Cylon force is secretly pursuing the human fleet. As Adama, Tigh, and Roslin confer about this crisis, Lee notices an apparent triviality: there's something peculiar about the special tea that Roslin is drinking.

Tigh interrogates the prisoner Caprica Six about the pursuing Cylons. She confesses that the human fleet's fuel ship emits a quirky radiation signature that the Cylons can track. Oddly, she then torments Tigh with questions about his dead wife, Ellen.

Rattled, Tigh shows up drunk for his testimony at the trial. On the witness stand, his inebriation is obvious. Sensing easy prey, Lampkin pounces, his lawyer's intuition leading him to ask how Tigh's wife died. Tigh admits that he himself killed Ellen. His credibility is destroyed.

By contrast, Laura Roslin's testimony against Baltar is so damning that Lampkin calls a recess to consult with Lee and his client. They must discredit Roslin. Lee admits that he knows something useful, but he hesitates to enter the moral gray area of exposing a good woman's secret to defend an accused traitor.

Then Adama accuses Lee of tipping off Lampkin to the truth about Ellen Tigh's death. Adama is wrong — Lee never even knew Tigh's murderous secret. But when Adama refuses to believe that, father and son explode into anger and Lee resigns his commission.

Now a civilian, Lee chooses to conduct Laura Roslin's cross-examination himself. Mercilessly, he extracts her secret: as he noticed earlier, her tea is laced with the herb chamalla, which can cause hallucinations. This casts suspicion on her testimony, and Lee's first dirty job as a defense attorney is done. Roslin, however, adds that she's taking the drug because her cancer has returned.

As the effects of this devastating revelation ripple outwards, the mood of the fleet darkens. Relationships fracture, tension builds, and all the while the Ionian Nebula grows closer….


directed by MICHAEL RYMER

guest star MARK SHEPPARD as Romo Lampkin

Now please discuss this episode of Battlestar Galactica!

SCI FI Boosts Battlestar Order

SCI FI Channel has increased its episode order for the fourth season of Battlestar Galactica to 22 from the original 13, including a special two-hour extended episode that will air during the fourth quarter of this year and be released on DVD by Universal Studios Home Entertainment thereafter. SCI FI made the announcement at its upfront press event in New York on March 21.

Battlestar Galactica will air its season-three finale on March 25 in its regular Sunday 10 p.m. ET/PT timeslot. Production will begin on the new season in May, with an eye to an early 2008 premiere.

The series is from NBC Universal Television Studio and is executive-produced by Ronald D. Moore and David Eick.


BuddyTV Talks with Battlestar Galactica's Grace Park

Image Hosted by talks with Battlestar Galactica's Grace Park.
So I read that at one point you studied psychology. How did you wind up in acting?

I have no idea how I winded up in acting. You know what it was? I had done some commercials and I really liked it. I didn’t even want to be in psychology. I was going towards architecture but what happened was I just ended up thinking, “Well, I like being on set a lot and for a year I’ll just try acting.” In the beginning it’s just one of those things that you never know. So I just gave it a shot. I got a Canadian teen series called “Edgemont” right away and ended up doing it. My parents kept telling me to get a real job and I was like, “No this is a big deal, I’m on a series!” Not that it paid very much. But, you know I just kept going with it a little longer and pretty soon I got Battlestar.

BSGcast 3.18 - "Crossroads Part I"

Holy Frak... that was one hell of a Part 1... lots of great loose ends to (hopefully) tie up before the end of Part 2... and we're quite sure there will be a tonne of new wackiness set loose in Part 2 that we're not going to see resolved until NEXT January. Between Roslin's Cancer relapse, Lee's resignation, Tigh's public flogging, Tori and Anders' longing glances and the mysterious signal coming in over the wireless, there is a lot of 'splainin' to do!

Wednesday, March 14, 2007

Two Days Of Coolness: My Visit To the Set Of Battlestar Galactica.

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I was asked to journey on up to the frozen north for a couple of days of serious geek heaven. We set the date for the end of November/beginning of December in order to take advantage of the filming schedule-- we'd get to watch the cast and crew film the season 3.5 finale (set to air later this month).
Very cool account of a fan's visit to the set. Includes photos. Slightly spoilery. Check it out!

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Grace Park from the Mini-Series 'Lowdown' Featurette

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Looking back at my original Mini-Series DVD, I ended up watching parts of the special 'Lowdown' featurette. I found it somewhat amusing to go back and see the state of the show and the outlook of the actors/producers. And since I'm having trouble ripping the bluescreen Boomer/Helo scene for Rose (I'll get it working, but the video keeps skipping on me for some reason), I figured I would put up the Grace bits for anyone who might have missed this before, and put it in this forum since it's so old.

Oh yeah, and Rose, this is really it for Helo/Sharon extra's on the Mini-series DVD. This Tahmoh-less featurette and the bluescreen scene. Sad

And yes, I went a bit screenshot crazy. I need to remember that just because it takes no time to make them, and just because Grace and Tahmoh are so wonderfully easy on the eyes, that's no reasons to make a bazillion screenshots for everything.
For images and video download just go to

Monday, March 12, 2007

Jamie Bamber GALACTICA.TV interview

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usAt the MegaCon 2007, held February 16-18, 2007 in Orlando, Joel Cooke spoke to Jamie Bamber, better known as Major Lee "Apollo" Adama on the Battlestar Galactica 2003 series. He talked to him about his part on the series, but also about the rest of his career and especially his time on Hornblower.

Why Starbuck? Why Now?

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Yes, it goes without saying that we should be appalled that in 2007, Starbuck is one of the only overconfident, unapologetic heroines to ever grace the small screen. Let's just consider a handful of contemporary female TV characters: Meredith Grey of "Grey's Anatomy," Ally McBeal Deux (Kitty) of "Brothers & Sisters," Cheerleader Claire of "Heroes," Cheerleader Lyla of "Friday Night Lights," Harriet of "Studio 60," Simpering Susan of "Desperate Housewives" -- some of them smart, some charming, some confident. But look at how they all roll their eyes and pout and fret and giggle under pressure.
Beware: Contains major episode 3-17 spoilers.

YouTube: Bonus Scene from "The Son Also Rises"

Holy Frak! If you don't want to download the Bonus Scene from "The Son Also Rises" you can now watch it over at YouTube. Isn't new technology wonderful?

New RSS-Feed!

feedWe have gotten a brand new RSS-feed. Please update now if you use our old feed.

Bonus Scene from "The Son Also Rises"

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If you are like me living outside the USA you are not allowed to see the bonus scene from "The Son Also Rises" on But don't you worry, here is a working download of the episode, enjoy!

Battlestar Galactica Season 3.5: The Son Also Rises

Spoiler of Battlestar Galactica Season 3.5: Maelstrom --------------------------------------

The aftermath of Kara Thrace's Viper crash is a time of mourning for her husband and friends, but the business of the fleet grinds on despite their grief. Most significantly, Gaius Baltar's trial is approaching. Admiral Adama is chosen by lottery to serve as one of five officers on the judges' tribunal, and, as Racetrack prepares to ferry Baltar's lawyer home from a meeting on the Galactica, a bomb explodes aboard her Raptor. She survives, but the lawyer doesn't.

Laura Roslin refuses to let terrorism derail a fair trial for Baltar. She assigns him a new defense attorney: the eccentric Romo Lampkin, who, accompanied by his cat, coolly declares that he was born to handle this case. Admiral Adama reassigns Lee from the pilot squadron to lead Lampkin's security detail. With Kara's death haunting them both, Adama isn't comfortable with his son flying a Viper.

Lee is irritated by his new job until Lampkin mentions that Lee's grandfather Joseph, a prominent defense attorney, was his mentor. Intrigued, Lee supervises Lampkin's first meeting with Baltar, then agrees to accompany the lawyer to Colonial One to collect case files. When the landing signal officer, Aaron Kelly, reminds Lee that his father has forbidden him to fly, Lee rebelliously boards the Raptor anyway.

It's only because Lampkin's cat escapes that Tyrol, pursuing the animal beneath the Raptor, spots another bomb attached to the craft's underside. Lee and Lampkin have barely escaped another attack. Furious, Admiral Adama berates his son for taking irresponsible risks.

Clues indicate that the bomber is a member of the crew, which provokes tension and suspicion among the pilots and deckhands. The only person seemingly unconcerned about the attempt on Lampkin's life is Lampkin himself. He's absorbed in a devious plan to win supporters for Baltar.

First, he meets with Caprica Six and manipulates the Cylon prisoner into confessing her love for Baltar. Next, he confides in Lee, saying that his entire plan is rooted in lessons he learned from Joseph Adama. This conversation cements Lee's increasing desire to walk in his idolized grandfather's footsteps.

The bomber strikes again, and this time, Lampkin doesn't escape the blast. He survives, but he's temporarily confined to a hospital bed. Officially, Lee's job is to find the bomber hidden in his crew. Unofficially, and in defiance of his father, he now believes that he has another calling: to help the injured Lampkin defend the most hated man in the fleet.


directed by ROBERT YOUNG

guest star MARK SHEPPARD as Romo Lampkin

Now please discuss this episode of Battlestar Galactica!

Sunday, March 11, 2007

Wish a Happy Birthday to Grace Park!

On March 14th, Grace Park is having another birthday and this is your chance to wish her a happy birthday! Messages will be forwarded right to her.

Tricia Helfer Q & A, Part 1

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Tricia Helfer aka Number Six answers fans' queries from the Sci Fi Forum in this SCIFI.COM-exclusive Q&A series:

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Tricia Helfer From Battlestar Galactica

Olivia has a candid chat with Battlestar Galactica beauty and Cylon Number Six, Tricia Helfer.

Moore and Sackhoff React To BSG's "Maelstrom" Fallout at

Battlestar Galactica had been criticized for dragging a bit, but that is certainly not what has got people talking about last weekend’s show “Maelstrom.” The episode has kicked up a bit of controversy as well as many lingering questions. Both Ron Moore and Katie Sackhoff have tried to answer some of these questions. Click more, but if you haven’t seen the episode…there be spoilers.

Friday, March 9, 2007

Michael Scott (The Office) vs. Capt. Kara Thrace (Battlestar Galactica)

Greetings, fellow TV addicts. After laboring to compile a list of TV's best characters, we narrowed our list to the 32 bizarre, funny, neurotic and brilliant creations you see below. You have until 4 p.m. on March 12 to vote in this round before we declare winners and move on to the Sweet Sixteen. We've posted YouTube videos of all of them so start watching, start voting and may the best character win.
Vote vote vote! (You will find Starbuck on number 13)

Watch the trailer for Crossroads Part 1

You can now watch the trailer for Crossroads Part 1, the second last episode of season 3. Just go to and you will find the trailer at the bottom of the page.

Ron D Moore answers fan questions

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usToday on the Sci Fi forum Ronald D Moore, who is the creator and executive producer of the re-imaged Battlestar Galactica series, answered a few questions from the fans. You can find the actual thread over here. Here is a sum up of the questions and answers:
(eternalkerri @ Mar 9 2007, 12:12 AM)
Some have theorised that Baltar is actually a tragic figure and not a villian. I have a theory that he is actually the most important character in the show as far as the questions of human nature are concerned, as he is a "redemption character. So, Ron. Is Baltar meant to be a flawed villian or does he actually represent humanites attempts to really do right in the end?
I think Baltar is the most human character on the show and I don't think I've ever really thought of him as the villain of the piece. I think he represents the entire human race in many ways -- the dueling impulses and capacity for venality and compassion living side by side in the same heart of a man who loves to smoke, drink and chase women -- and his journey is in many the ways symbolic of a larger journey for us all.
(Special Circumstances @ Mar 9 2007, 12:12 AM)
There's been alot of speculation on what time period it will be on Earth when/if the Galactica and RTF arrives there. Are you able to let us know if it will be the past, the present, the future, or the far future?

Oh, and what was Adama smoking? On New Caprica. With Roslyn. In Unfinished Business.

And can we have more Leoben? Pretty please.
No way I'm going to tell you what Earth is going to be like. Laura & Adama were partaking of a lovely little weed they found growing naturally in the hills of New Caprica. (The place did have its points...) I think you'll see more Leoben.
(hybridexile @ Mar 9 2007, 12:12 AM)
Will we encounter other hybrids besides Hera? I keep thinking about Caprica 6's words that the future of the Cylons rest with Hera and those who are going to come after her. Seems to me that she's the destiny of the human race as well.

Also, do you have any special plans for Dualla’s character in the upcoming season?
Hard to talk in any kind of specifc way about Hera, or the potential of finding other Heras in the show. In fact, I'm probably going to be maddeningly vague about the future storylines until after the season finale, and even then I'll usually be talking about generalities.

We do have specific plans for Dualla next year.
(AussieViperPilot @ Mar 9 2007, 12:13 AM)
During Maelstrom we see a doll in a glass box in both the Oracle's room and next to Kara's dying mother. We also see a picture drawn by Kara in her scrapbook of a princess/queen in what looks like a cage or behind bars. I gather these are symbolic of Kara being trapped in her current body/life and that meeting death allowed her to, as Not Leoben put it 'you are free now, to become who you really are'.

My question is, was the doll in a glass box we see next to Kara's dying mother (during one of Kara's visions) meant to actually have physically been there at the time of Kara's mothers death?
To tell you the absolute truth, I don't know the answer to that. The scene of Kara's mother dying was moved at the last minute from a hospital room to a her bedroom for production reasons. David and Bradley would probably know the answer since they were there on the set during the shoot and probably discussed it with the director & props. I liked it in the cut and my personal take was that it was symbolically there in Kara's mind -- like so much of the scene itself was -- and that it wasn't physically there, however the intention and motivation might have been something entirely different. It's an interesting question.
(polaris @ Mar 9 2007, 12:13 AM)
Are you planning on penning more episodes in season 4?
(redshoes @ Mar 9 2007, 12:13 AM)
Is Hera's blood secretly being used as medicine to treat cancer patients in the fleet? Or are people suffering and dying to protect her secrets?
We actually discussed this at some length in the writers' room. Our feeling was that Dr. Cottle tried had to replicate the treatment on other cancer patients ever since that episode, but had been unable to replicate the results.
(bookmarmf @ Mar 9 2007, 12:13 AM)
Can you give us a small glimpse on how Kara's death will impact the Adama family.

Thank you!!
It will unleash deeper and stronger emotions from Bill Adama than we've seen before and it will cause Lee to question, and ultimately change, some of the fundamental aspects of his life.

You know, stuff like that.
(richa @ Mar 9 2007, 12:13 AM)
How far ahead in the show is it actually fully fleshed out?
I tend to look at the show in roughly 10 episode blocks. The writers and I talk about where we want the show and the individual characters to be at the mid-season break and then where we want to be for the finale. Then we outline a way to get there and begin the process of breaking the individual episodes. However, we make a point of remaining open to make changes on the fly as new ideas come up and old ideas fail to live up to their original promise. Doing it this way seems to provide a steady direction for the overall story while allowing improvisation and inspiration along the way, which provide the spark of life to the entire show.
(Alektra @ Mar 9 2007, 12:13 AM)
Have you guys got all the mythology worked out in terms of how the cycle works (the 4000 yrs one!), and the relations to the greek olympians and the 12 models and 12 colonies etc, how they all fit?
I began to put into place most of the fundamental cosmology of the BSG universe as far back as the first season. Since then, we've talked it over in the writers' room periodically so as to keep everything within the same parameters. There are still some elements to put into place, but we pretty much have it worked out by now.
(cherylad @ Mar 9 2007, 12:14 AM)
Can you shed some light on what is the main reasons for Lee's breakdown in CR2? Does it also effect his marriage to Dee?
Can't talk about the finale, sorry.
(Sam StarEagle @ Mar 9 2007, 12:14 AM)
How is your relationship with Bear McCreary creatively?

In other words, how closely do you and he work together to figure out how to fit the music to the story?
Bear does his thing with very little input from me. We'll talk if there's a specific cue or a specific theme that I want to have in the show or if he has some questions, but I basically step back and let him do his thing. He does fantastic work for us and we're lucky to have him.
(BSGNo1 @ Mar 9 2007, 12:14 AM)
Now that Starbuck is "dead", are we going to see more of Leoben/Callum Keith Rennie in future episodes?
Not until next season.
(leoscuro @ Mar 9 2007, 12:14 AM)
You once stated you were thinking to have a 5 year arc for this story to unfold. Does this still hold true, and if does not hold true, what is your new game plan?
My basic thinking along these lines is still the same, but it's always under discussion.
(Hand Of Prickly Pete @ Mar 9 2007, 12:14 AM)
When will the shooting in Claymation begin?
Not until after we've completed the supermarionation episodes.
(Mo @ Mar 9 2007, 12:14 AM)
was it a bullet what penetrated kara's canopy or something else?
This was left deliberately vague. What do you think it was?
(Selfish Rogue @ Mar 9 2007, 12:14 AM)
How much input/suggestions did Glen Larson have during the pitch of the series?
I have never spoken to, nor even met, Glen Larson. He had nothing to do with the pitch whatsoever.
(RaymondShaw @ Mar 9 2007, 12:14 AM)
Can you tell us if the final act of the series will deal with the spiritual/metaphysical aspects of the myth-arc, and if so care to elaborate a little?
This will certainly be a key aspect of the end of the series, but I really can't talk in any specific terms about it.
(rswhite1989 @ Mar 9 2007, 12:15 AM)
Did Lee or did Lee not see (or think he saw) the Cylon Radar in Maelstrom?
He didn't see it.
(GeorgeT @ Mar 9 2007, 12:16 AM)
Some fans are worried that with Starbuck's death we'll have the return of the Ship of Lights. Given that the Ship of Lights wasted an enormous amount of optical energy (you could even say it glowed), when Starbuck revives will Al Gore appear and excitedly tell how many gigawatts of power the ship saves since it changed over to compact fluorescent bulbs, bragging that the remainder is offset by hardwood forests on Kobol?

Okay, a real question.

Have you decided whether BSG takes place in our past, our present, or our future? I'm not looking for an answer as to which, just whether that decision has been made, or if it's even required yet.
I never thought of that. I'll put in a call to Al's publicist. (He's in the biz now, you know, so I can call him that. My people will call his people and I'll let you know.)

I have decided the "when" of BSG, but I'm not giving that away yet.
(Bambina Belle @ Mar 9 2007, 12:16 AM)
Do you expect fans of Kara to feel satisfied at the way you built up her destiny then killed her for "shock" value destroying one of the best elements on the show and knowing you kinda screwed over fans of kara and lee?

and this is cheating but how do/did the other cast and crew feel now knowing that katee's "gone" and you're all coming back for season 4 -- apparently without her (and she's filming that pilot too so she can't be back if she does that)
I never said I killed Kara strictly for shock reasons -- I believe I said that the shock value of it made me love it more. Kara's death is not without meaning nor was it intended to screw any of the fans over. It's a story decision and I think a good (if risky) one.

The cast and crew were on hiatus when the fourth season pickup was announced, so I don't know how they felt about it.
(Oracle7775 @ Mar 9 2007, 12:22 AM
I’ve got two. Answer whichever one you wish. The prospect of a trial for treason/war crimes gives us a chance to discuss the civic structure of the old colonial government, and whether and how those institutions did (or even deserve to) survive the destruction of the colonies, and how the civic structure needs to change to meet the needs of the entirely unique situation in which the fleet finds itself:

1) Would you agree with the proposition that the old colonial government is a relic, and that, for the fleet to survive as a free society, it will have to develop a government that more accurately represents the interests of the current populace/conditions, rather than reflect outdated political subdivisions (i.e. the twelve colonies) that, sooner or later, with cease to have any meaning?

2) I would think that for the fleet to continue to survive, some sort of arbitral system for dispute resolution has to have been established, and quickly, as such a system is a hallmark for the peaceful free society that the fleet is trying to continue despite the extenuating circumstances. Others in the forum today have said that the fleet is just a survivors camp, and that grim chaos reigns. Do you see the fleet as having established such a system, even if it’s on an ad hoc basis? If not, how are they keeping from the “Lord of the Flies” downward spiral, killing each other en masse over petty disputes?

While I'm asking the air for answers, I might as well also ask whether there's a right to a jury of one's peers in the fleet, and if so, why won't Baltar be able to take advantage of that right?
1) I agree with the idea that the Colonial government is outmoded as a practical matter and that sooner or later, they will have to form a system more in keeping with the realities of their current situation. However, I also think that as a political matter, Laura & Adama are struggling to hold together a desperate population living under constant threat of annihilation and that the attempt to make wholescale changes to the government would more likely end up in a chaotic situation in which Adama becomes the arbiter of the body politic by virtue of his military power rather than through any popular mandate. I think that Laura decided to hang on to the forms and structures of the original government as a way of maintaining continuity with the past and to give the people a familiar system to operate within rather than throw the legitimacy of the government itself into question.

2) On this week's podcast I discuss some of the judicial system as I think it's operated in the fleet to date, namely that the ship captains have determined how justice was dispensed on their individual vessels as a practical matter ever since the original Cylon attack. Without a police force, the central government's only methods of enforcing its decisions are either through Adama's marines or through the agreement of the individual ship captains. The Quorum of Twelve would also weigh in on matters of law, but I felt that the day to day management of the fleet and the myriad criminal matters that must come up are dealt with by the commanders themselves. I think that Laura's federal government manages ship to ship relations and overall management of the fleet's resources, backed up by the Galactica's might. Certainly there are overlaps in authority and areas that are not managed at all (like in "Black Market") but that generally speaking the fleet is a functioning society trying to make do in extraordinary circumstances and that people accused of crimes are usually dealt with in a way that reflects the values of a liberal democracy.

3) Baltar's trial will be by tribunal rather than a jury of his peers, which is in keeping with the tribunal system we saw in season one. Whether juries, as such, exist in Galactica's world or whether Baltar's specific case (or Baltar himself) demanded a tribunal rather than a jury is left unanswered.

Thanks it folks! It was fun. We'll do it again. Good-night.

BSG Season Finale on March 25 will run 5 minutes overtime

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The Sunday, March 25, season finale of Battlestar Galactica will run five minutes longer than usual. If you plan on recording the episode, set your DVR or VCR to continue for five to 10 minutes after the end of the hour so you don't miss anything!

Grace Park Q and A Bonus

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The always so lovely Grace Park answers fans' queries about Season Three in this bonus Q and A video over at

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Jane Espenson joins BSG full-time for Season 4

Here is an interview SyFy recently conducted with the great Jane Espenson (image) and the just-as-great Anne Cofell Saunders (they wrote "Dirty Hands" together), with Jane sharing the fact that she has joined BSG full-time.

There is a spoiler warning for those who haven't watched "Maelstrom" yet.
Having the threat of a bad guy showing up any minute can be a welcome distraction to life's problems. But when those threats are removed, even for a short time, it doesn't take long to remember that there are some aspects of life that really suck.

The absence of the Cylons from the mid-part of "Battlestar Galactica's" Season 3 did just that, allowing writers such as Jane Espenson and Anne Cofell Saunders to explore some of the internal issues churning among the people in the ragtag fleet. Class disenfrachisement was the topic of the day with the pair's most recent episode, "Dirty Hands," which featured Chief Tyrol (Aaron Douglas) trying to fight for the little guy.

"I wasn't in on the planning of Season 3 or the [episodes] preceding it for that matter, so I can't really comment on the timing of it other than to say that things like class struggles are typically set aside in the face of outside threats (like Cylons), so it makes perfect sense to me that something like that would lie dormant until a period of relative peace," Espenson recently told SyFy Portal's Michael Hinman. "When the outside threat goes away, everyone remembers that all those old resentments are still around."

Battlestar Galactica Season 3.5: Maelstrom

Spoiler of Battlestar Galactica Season 3.5: Maelstrom --------------------------------------

Kara Thrace is unraveling. While asleep, she dreams that she's in her old Caprican apartment with Leoben, struggling to cover up the colorful mandala that she painted long ago. While awake, she hallucinates that a little girl — her younger self — is with her aboard the Galactica.

In desperation, Kara visits a religious oracle, but the woman frightens her by saying that Leoben and even Kara's abusive mother are all part of Kara's great destiny. Indeed, Socrata Thrace, a hard-edged former soldier, had always justified her abuse of her daughter by claiming that she was raising Kara to be a special warrior.

Haunted by these memories, Kara joins Hotdog on patrol. Over a planet swathed in clouds and radiation, she spots a Cylon Heavy Raider. The fleet mobilizes to back her up, but the Raider doesn't appear on dradis and Hotdog never sees it. Undaunted, Kara pursues it toward the planet, straight down into a dangerous swirling storm — which looks exactly like the mandala. Kara gives up the chase and turns back only seconds before her ship breaks up in the dense, turbulent atmosphere.

Later, although some of Kara's fellow pilots doubt that the Cylon ship existed at all, Lee Adama puts his faith in her and refuses to ground her for the incident. Kara struggles to pull herself together, but her hallucinations of her childhood and the mysterious mandala grow worse. Finally, she tells Lee that she doesn't trust herself to fly. Lee insists that she's capable and promises to fly as her backup until she regains her confidence.

On patrol with Lee, Kara again sees the Cylon Raider and again dives toward the mandala-shaped maelstrom. Lee follows, desperate to stop her, but Kara plunges straight into the turbulent heart of the storm.

As the crushing atmospheric pressure begins to rip apart her ship, Kara passes out. She returns as if in a dream to her old apartment, where Leoben greets her and leads her into a vision of her past.

Six years ago, on the day that Kara became a Fleet officer, she learned that her mother had terminal cancer. When Socrata answered her daughter's sympathy with harsh cruelty, Kara fled from her, never to return.

Kara believes that her true reason for running away then was her fear of facing death. Now, with her body trapped in a doomed Viper and her mind lost in visions, she must overcome that fear if she is to be whole.


directed by MICHAEL NANKIN

guest star DOROTHY LYMAN as Socrata Thrace

Now please discuss this episode of Battlestar Galactica!

Getting 22 Episodes Could Mean Cancellation For 'Battlestar Galactica'

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usUsually getting additional episodes in a season is a good thing for a television series. Could 22 episodes mean cancellation for BSG?

Battlestar Galactica Season 3.5: Dirty Hands

Spoiler of Battlestar Galactica Season 3.5: Dirty Hands --------------------------------------

Mid-flight, a Raptor catches fire and crashes into Colonial One. No one is killed, but when impurities in the craft's tylium fuel are discovered, Roslin and Adama demand answers from Zeno Fenner, the foreman on the tylium refinery ship Hitei Kan. Fenner has shut down his ship's production, insisting that broken machinery, unsafe conditions, and sheer exhaustion make it impossible for his workers to do their jobs well.

Although the fleet's fuel supply is now dangerously low, Fenner threatens to disrupt production further if these problems aren't solved. Then he quotes from a subversive new manifesto about class conflict that Gaius Baltar has written and had smuggled out of his cell. In response, Roslin orders Fenner arrested. Adama sends Galen Tyrol to the Hitei Kan to replace Fenner and get the tylium flowing.

Tyrol can't help but empathize with the disgruntled refinery workers. One of his working-class deckhands, Seelix, was recently denied elite pilot training for suspiciously arbitrary reasons; his wife, Cally, even agrees with Baltar's declaration that a new aristocracy of privileged Capricans is systematically oppressing the fleet's working poor. But Tyrol also understands that someone has to do the dirty jobs for the fleet to survive at all.

Torn between these positions, Tyrol coerces the refinery's crew to resume work, but also negotiates with Roslin on their behalf. She proposes that everyone in the fleet with the correct skills should be drafted to take shifts aboard the Hitei Kan so that no one gets trapped forever in an intolerable job.

This solution inevitably creates new problems. One of the draftees, Danny, is a young man who has been chosen only because he briefly worked on a farm to earn money for college. He's understandably scared and angry about his new forced employment.

Seeking better answers, Tyrol reads Baltar's book and visits the imprisoned ex-President. Despite himself, he ends up considering Baltar's subversive ideas. Soon afterward, aboard the Hitei Kan, the rickety gears of a conveyor belt jam, nearly causing a deadly disaster. Danny saves the day, worming his body into the machine to fix the jam. But as the gears clank into motion, Danny is snagged and seriously injured.

Seeing this young man — who once dreamed of a college education — bleeding on the floor of the refinery jolts Tyrol into action. He shuts down the Hitei Kan and declares a strike. His workers cheer, but Adama immediately arrests Tyrol for mutiny — and declares that all mutineers will be shot. This time, Tyrol must negotiate not just for his workers' rights, but also for their lives.


directed by WAYNE ROSE

Now please discuss this episode of Battlestar Galactica!

Galactica DTV Movie Confirmed

Image Hosted by ImageShack.usRumors of a direct-to-DVD Battlestar Galactica movie were confirmed today by the Sci Fi Channel's Adam Stotsky during a Galactica panel at New York Comic-Con.

BSG's Move to Sunday: How has it affected you?

My Friday nights are a little emptier now. I used to look forward to finishing a week of work, coming home to prepare dinner, and watching the Friday night lineup on Sci-Fi. It was the one night in the week when my wife and I would watch live tv instead of TiVo'd sweetness because we had a lineup of shows that we both liked and commercials that we didn't mind.

With SG:1 and SG: Atlantis on seasonal hiatus and BSG moved to Sundays, our Friday nights are not filled with tv bliss. We never watch BSG live on Sunday because we're both busy getting ready for the next week of work. Oddly, we usually watch BSG on the following Saturday morning when we're totally free to enjoy it. To stop to watch it live on Sunday would be too disruptive.

I can only think that Sci-Fi's decision to move BSG to Sunday is part of a plan to reach a demographic that doesn't include 30-something's who work and have families.

Battlestar Galactica Season 3.5: A Day in the Life

Spoiler of Battlestar Galactica Season 3.5: A Day in the Life --------------------------------------

On the forty-ninth day since the Cylons were last seen, the fleet awakens to a quiet morning. Tyrol volunteers himself and Cally to do maintenance on a damaged airlock, disregarding Cally's plan to spend the day with their infant son, Nicholas. As they work, Cally and Tyrol argue about how to balance the demands of their jobs and family. Then, suddenly, the airlock's systems sense a pressure change caused by a small leak into space. The doors automatically slam shut, locking Cally and Tyrol in. To escape, they must repair the leak — if they can.

Today is also the anniversary of Admiral Adama's wedding to Carol Anne, Lee and Zak's mother. Though he and his wife loved each other, their marriage failed long ago. Haunted by these memories, Adama struggles to focus on his duties for the day. Most important, President Roslin asks him to assign Lee to supervise a committee of lawyers devising an unprecedented trial for Gaius Baltar.

Adama finds Lee berating his pilots for careless flying — a lecture borrowed verbatim from Adama. Afterward, Lee tells his father that he's too busy to take on Roslin's assignment. He admits, however, that before the military took over his life, he once wanted to be a lawyer like his grandfather, Joseph. Surprised, Adama is forced to consider how little he knows about his son — and how easy it is for personal and familial dreams to die beneath the demands of duty.

Both men are called to their duties moments later when the leak threatening Tyrol and Cally defies repair and starts to expand. With the locked chamber now hemorrhaging atmosphere, the young parents have less than half an hour before suffocation, depressurization, and hypothermia combine to kill them.

Lee, Starbuck and Athena quickly fly a Raptor outside of the ship to the airlock doors. Inside, Adama watches gravely from an observation window as Tyrol and Cally, facing death, renew their commitment to their marriage and son. Then Adama orders the outer doors blasted open. Tyrol and Cally are vented into space, retrieved by the waiting Raptor, and rushed to sickbay.

As Tyrol and Cally cling to life, Lee is debriefed by his father. Adama, who has spent the day meditating on his broken family, is in an unusually open mood. As father and son talk, secrets buried by time and silence arise. This conversation will either widen the rift between the only surviving members of the Adama family — or help to heal it.


directed by ROD HARDY

special guest stars LUCINDA JENNEY as Carol Anne Adama

Now please discuss this episode of Battlestar Galactica!

Battlestar Galactica: Who's the Cylon?

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It goes without saying that we here at IGN TV are fans of Sci-Fi Channel's epic series Battlestar Galactica, and have gone so far as to proclaim the program as the best television series of 2006.
Who do YOU think is the Cylon?

Is BSG the best sci-fi series of all time?

Welcome to IGN TV's Idiot Box, a weekly column where IGN editors talk about the week in TV. This week, we're answering the question, "Is Battlestar Galactica the best sci-fi television series of all time?"
What do YOU think?

Battlestar Galactica Movie Not Forgotten

There's been plenty of talk about the fourth season of "Battlestar Galactica" getting the greenlight for a fourth season, but one project that apparently has been lost in the shuffle was the proposed telemovie that NBC Universal has commissioned, when and if a fourth season was announced.

Apparently, such a project is still under way despite it not being mentioned in SciFi Channel's news release Tuesday, and the people at say it might be a little prequel-like.

According to reports, the story will focus on the original Cylon sneak attack of the Twelve Colonies that received bits and pieces of coverage in the 2003 miniseries. It also could feature how the Battlestar Pegasus escaped, creating an opportunity for the return of Michelle Forbes -- who played Adm. Cain in the second season -- to the franchise in the one-time event.

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